Thanks to you, we won!

Last month, Kelly and I nervously waited for Hobkey to announce the sea kayak adventure grant winner. In the two weeks prior to that nail-biting night, our expedition proposal received over 2,000 votes yet faced stiff and valiant competition. When the dust settled, the IP addresses reconciled and the results made final, Fearless Formosa came out on top.

Because of you!

We were humbled by the outpouring of support from friends and family, near and far - you all contributed to make this expedition a reality. 

In addition to supporting us as friends and fellow paddlers, it was incredibly encouraging to read excitement about the mission of Fearless Formosa. 

It was amazing to see our mission resonate with supporters, many of whom we never met personally. Fearless Formosa is rooted in increasing access to the sport of sea kayaking for all people with an emphasis on mutual learning and honoring cultural exchange. We're not simply trying to push our personal limits, we're hellbent on increasing diversity in kayaking and catalyzing deeper connections to oceans and waterways. 

We can't say it enough, thank you so much for your ongoing support! 

Kelly heading out to tear it up on some baby waves - Waddell Beach, CA

Kelly heading out to tear it up on some baby waves - Waddell Beach, CA